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Jenolan Caves Highlights of the Show Caves by Jimmy Lim
A4 size, 36 pages, all in colour, containing 135 photographs. Photo book of the Jenolan Caves. Published 2017
$10 Members only price (non-members RRP $14.95)
Guide to and Description of the Fish River Caves by Geo H. Rawson
An early account of a visit to Jenolan Caves (circa 1882). Includes hand written extracts from the original diary, plus photographs and maps from the same era. Hard cover, slightly larger than A5, 94 pages. Published 2013
Click Go the Cameras by Elery Hamilton-Smith
A comprehensive guide to the photographers and photography at Jenolan Caves 1860 to 1940. A4 size, 40 pages, 61 B&W photos plus 6 colour photos on cover. Published 2011
The Jenolan Caves by J.J Foster
A historic guide book to the Jenolan Caves. Includes information on discovery of the caves, Caves House and original routes to the caves. Also has descriptions of the known caves at that time. Facsimile of the 1890 book. A5 size, 62 pages, 2 maps. Re-published 2011
The Lucas Cave, Jenolan Caves by W.L Havard
A guide book to the Lucas Cave, describing the tourist route and features of the cave. Includes a brief history of the discovery of the cave. Facsimile edition. A5 size, 32 pages, 9 B&W photos, 2 cave maps. Re-published 2011 Originally published by the Government Tourist Bureau NSW.
Souvenir Booklet of the Orient Cave by W.L.Havard
JCH&PS facsimile edition undated. A6 size, 32 pages. Re-published 2011
Souvenir Booklet of the River Cave by HB Brown & PK Perret
JCH&PS facsimile edition undated. A6 size, 32 pages. Re-published 2011
Souvenir Booklet of The Temple of Baal by HB Brown & PK Perret
JCH&PS facsimile edition undated. A6 size, 32 pages. Re-published 2011
Steam Cleaning of the Orient Cave by Ronald Newbould
This publication describes the steam cleaning carried out from 1968 until 1972. A5 size, 24 pages, 10 B&W photos. Occasional Paper No. 1 Re-published 2012 5th Ed.
Steam Cleaning of the Orient Cave by Ronald Newbould
This publication describes the steam cleaning carried out from 1968 until 1972. A5 size, 24 pages, 10 B&W photos. Occasional Paper No. 1 4th Edition. Limited numbers (found hiding in storage) 4th Ed.
The Discovery of the Imperial Cave by Noel Rawlinson
Follows the discovery and exploration of the Elder Cave and then the Imperial Cave. Includes extracts from Cambridge and Wilkinson. A5 size, 12 pages, 3 B&W photos, 4 pages of colour maps. Text based on a paper read to Society on 18/11/1972. Occasional Paper No. 2 3rd Ed. June 2009
1st edition May 1974, white A4 no picture on cover. (not available) 2nd edition October 1976, brown cover of Crystal City on front cover. (not available)
The Discovery of the Barralong Cave
Based on the diary of guide Ron Newbould who discovered the cave with John Culley in 1964. A5 size, 28 pages, 8 colour photos, 15 B&W photos, 4 pages of colour maps. Occasional Paper No. 3 2nd edition Re-released 2011
The Binoomea Cut Jenolan Caves by Ian Driscoll
Completely new edition which describes the planning and construction of the Binoomea Cut with additional chapters by guides Bill Mark and Don Coleman. A5 size, 32 pages, 20 B&W photos, 3 maps, colour cover. Occasional Paper No. 4 2nd edition Re-released 2011 1st edition April 1977. (not available)
John Lucas by Noel Rawlinson
This publication incorporates the entire text of the booklet published by Lucas in 1863 in which he describes his visits to the caves. A5 size, 32 pages, 8 B&W photos. Occasional Paper No. 5 Reprint Published 2010
Close Encounters of the Yowie Kind. by the children of Jenolan Caves.
A5 size, 32 pages. Facsimile edition 2008
Jenolan Caves Guides, Guests & Grottoes by John R Dunkley
Describes the first century of Jenolan Caves from the 1830s to the 1940s. B5 size, 73 pages, 66 B&W photos and illustrations, colour map (Trickett 1922). 1st edition 2007 Jointly with Australian Speleological Society
$20 Very limited copies available. Not on order form, enquire by email to
Jenolan books available from other publishers
Australian Cave Diving New South Wales by Rod OBrien
The only comprehensive book written on the history of cave diving exploration in NSW. Includes 116 pages specifically on cave diving at Jenolan. Details the first cave dive in Australia, in 1952, at Mammoth Cave Jenolan. Size 190mm x 260mm, 288 pages, lots of colour maps and historic photos. Published 2018
$60 This publication is produced by Rod OBrien, enquire by email to
Jenolan Caves: The Complete Guide by Mark Hallinan
Published 2013 This publication is produced by Mark Hallinan and is available for purchase at
JCH&PS also holds limited stock, at a special discounted price of $45, that is only available to JCH&PS members. Members can order via email enquiry.
The Men of Jenolan Caves by Basil Ralston
Published 2011 This publication is produced by Sydney Speleological Society (SSS). Men of Jenolan and other SSS publications are available for purchase on the link below
JCH&PS also holds limited stock that is only available to JCH&PS members. Please order via email enquiry.
OUT OF PRINT- featured here for viewer interest and historical value
The Binoomea Cut, Jenolan Caves by Ian Driscoll.
Paper read to Society on 9/2/1974. 1st ed April 1977 Green cover showing entrance to Binoomea Cut. 16 pages Out of Print
The Discovery of the Barralong Cave – Based on the diary of R L Newbould.
Paper read to Society on 11/5/1974. 1st edition March 1975 19.5cm x 27.5 cm (not quite A4) Formations on front cover 16 pages Out of Print
Souvenir Booklet of The Temple of Baal by HB Brown & PK Perret
JCH&PS facsimile edition undated. 32 pages Out of Print
River Cave Souvenir Booklet of the River Cave. by HB Brown & PK Perret
JCH&PS facsimile edition undated. 32 pages Out of Print
The Jenolan Caves. by J.J. Fosters
Copy of 1890 book, A4 size, 62 pages Out of Print
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